"The environment is everything that isn't me" - Albert Einstein |
Water covers the majority of our great planet's surface, and it can be observed that next to space, the oceans are our last true frontier. It has been said in many different ways and cultures that our oceans are the "mother" of all humanity... Although vast in size, they are certainly not endless, and the exploitation of their resources and species over the past 200 years has been nothing short of astounding and dramatic. Combined with the similiar exploitation and destruction of our earths lakes, streams, and watersheds, the planet's water supply is in a current state of declining health and purity that can only be corrected by the same species responsible for its current state of fragility... Let's do something about this dilemma... If our oceans and watersheds die, we die...
KEY ORGANIZATIONS: Here are a few of the more involved organizations working hard and making differences in the health and well being of our mother oceans and all the amazing forms of life they support: SEA SHEPHERD CONSERVATION SOCIETY- Founded by Paul Watson, one of the original founding members of Greenpeace, this organization is the worlds only enforcer of the lame IWC laws on the high seas...this organization kicks ass for whales, seals, dolphins, sharks, turtles, fish, and all other species of marine life and sets a new standard for the words "DIRECT ACTION"! EARTH ISLAND INSTITUTE- (In their own words...) Earth Island's Project Network consists of more than 30 projects worldwide. Through innovative education and activist campaigns, they are addressing many of the most pressing social and environmental issues: Protecting rainforests, marine mammals, sea turtles, and indigenous lands, promoting organic and sustainable agriculture, ecological paper alternatives, and the emerging Russian environmental movement, pursuing community-based habitat restoration, reduction of marine pollution, and development of urban multicultural environmental leadership. OCEANA Their mission statement: "Oceana is a non-profit international advocacy organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the world's oceans through policy advocacy, science, law and public education. Founded in 2001, Oceana's constituency includes members and activists from more than 190 countries and territories who are committed to saving the world's marine environment. In 2002, American Oceans Campaign became part of Oceana's international effort to protect ocean eco-systems and sustain the circle of life. Oceana, headquartered in Washington, D.C., has additional offices in key U.S. coastal areas and will open offices in Latin America and Europe in 2003." RELATED
There are many other organizations online and working hard in supporting sustainable policies for co-existence of all species and ecosystems pertaining to water: FISHERY CRISIS- The Starving Ocean Quality and informative website with information regarding subjects relative to the future sustainability of the ocean. |